A series of projects dealing with the existential wounds from when houses are left empty and abandoned; and the pity felt once they are seen.
An essay and several poems on de-urbanization and exploitation of the Torne Valley.
Material: Book, artist text, lyrical essay, poems
Made in: Stockholm (SE), Tornedalen (SE), Frieslang (NL), Blekinge (SE)
Exhibited/Published: Stockholm (SE)
A-Politics 2017
Looking closer to the abandoned houses of Ramallah, discussing reasons behind and aspects of their abandonedness.
Collaboration with: Suchart Wannaset
Material: Artistic intervention, artistic writing
Made in: Ramallah (PS)
Exhibitied: Ramallah (PS)
Nothing 2017
A visit to the empty post-terminal of Stockholm, sort of a research into urban emptinesses.
Material: sound (approx. 54min), socially engaged, artistic study visit
Made in: Stockholm (SE)
Exhibitied: Stockholm (SE)
[Approaching Aspects of Abandoned Houses]